Sponsor White Papers – December 2023

 In Sponsor White Papers

Epstein Becker Green: Dealing with Controversial Commentary? Some Guidance and Guardrails for Employers

When significant news arises and tensions run high, employers often wonder how—and IF—they should respond, whether by taking a formal position on the controversy du jour or by responding to employee reactions that have come to their attention. This Insight endeavors to provide legal and practical considerations that may be applied, no matter the issue. 

MCG Health: Early Detection and Prevention of Behavioral Health Conditions in Children and Adolescents

In this white paper download, MCG Associate Vice President and Managing Editor, Stacey Popko, MD, MBA, discusses the prevalence of mental illness among children and adolescents. In addition, she covers anxiety and depression screening in adolescents (including screening age recommendations) as well as the long-term benefits of early intervention for initial episodes of psychosis.

Newport Healthcare: How to Help Teens Manage Holiday Stress

Bright lights and decorations. Family gatherings. Celebratory meals. Gift-giving. Free time. The holiday season can be magical. For many people, though, including teenagers, the holidays can be just the opposite—a stressful time that sparks or exacerbates feelings of anxiety, sadness, loneliness, and depression. What adolescents need most from parents during this time of year is understanding and support, including strategies to help reduce stress related to relationships, eating, substance use, and other triggers. Learn why the holidays can be difficult for teens, and ways parents can help.

PYA: Under the Microscope: Mitigating Risk Through Robust Conflict of Interest Processes for Health Systems

Recent government enforcement efforts in conflict of interest related to physician decision-making heighten the importance of developing and maintaining a robust conflict of interest (COI) disclosure process. PYA has released a new white paper to help health systems understand the expectations and adopt a proactive COI process to mitigate risk.

While conflicts of interest can occur in a variety of settings and circumstances, three common areas include medical device product selection, drug formulary selection, and clinical research. In this white paper, experts discuss the three areas, review governmental enforcement and related actions, provide guidance for managing a potential conflict, and share PYA resources.

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