Inspiring Women Podcast x WBL with Karen Walker Johnson: On Being ReWired

 In Inspiring Women Podcast

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Karen Walker Johnson. Karen begins the conversation by talking about her path to sorting out retirement. What Laurie learned from Karen is that she is exceptional at just about everything she has ever set her mind to, with the minor exception of retirement.

Welcome to Karen Walker Johnson’s world of “reWIREment.”

Karen is a nurse… and she is a lawyer… and then decided she wanted to run a health plan.  So she did that.  She wasn’t lucky—she was clear and determined.  She had a mentor who believed in her.  He gave her opportunities.  She took every one of them.

In this Inspiring Women conversation, you will hear about an exceptional woman who has a strong interest in making a difference. In doing great work that serves vulnerable underserved populations.  Someone who is grounded in family (Karen points to her 88-year-old father as her greatest cheerleader and champion) and is committed to bringing the next generation along with her.

While speaking at the WBL Summit, Karen also talked about the importance of finding an active network of senior executive women committed to supporting each other just as she does through WBL.

In talking about the trends to pay attention to, Karen points out that value-based care is here, and a demonstrable focus on health equity is coming along with it. Aiming to find a way to deal with the aftermath of George Floyd, Karen put her energy towards action and leadership. Karen turned her attention to board service, becoming a director at a number of organizations.

Laurie and Karen also spent time laughing about Karen’s desire to retire…which led her to her current role as CEO of another health plan. For Karen, retirement really just means reWIREment.