Inspiring Women Podcast x WBL with Tuyet DesJean: On Being More Than

 In Inspiring Women Podcast

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Tuyet DesJean at the WBL (Women Business Leaders of the U.S. Health Care Industry Foundation) Annual Summit.

A daughter of immigrants, an infant refugee whose parents went from the boat to the camp in pursuit of something better. Every day Tuyet looks at that family picture by her desk, herself as an infant, her young parents (17 and 21 at the time), and is reminded. And she is grateful.  And what she knows today and knows deeply, is that she is more than what her parents dreamed of and so much more.

Humble beginnings served as the fuel for her desire for making an impact and for creating change. Becoming a lawyer may have been a surprise to her parents, but being excellent was never a doubt. Ask for the tough projects, gain experience, and become more efficient along the way. Tuyet proudly discusses her work at the AMA, its impact on making healthcare better, her love for the profession, and her expertise in intellectual property.

Today, Tuyet has a growing young family.  On being a “Power Mom”?  “Having children has made me a better lawyer.”  Efficiency and effectiveness are the priorities so that she can be present with her family. Her advice? It’s OK to ask for help, to delegate, and not be trapped by artificial guilt for not doing it all.

She expects more. She is grateful for more. Tuyet DesJean is more.