Inspiring Women Podcast x WBL with Sara Ratner and Sarah Richardson: Leaders with Purpose

 In Inspiring Women Podcast

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Women Sara Ratner and Sarah Richardson at the WBL (Women Business Leaders of the U.S. Health Care Industry Foundation) Annual Summit.

These senior executives give us a window into how they build their network – which isn’t that complicated at the WBL Summit when you start with things you have in common.  Professional objectives to serve vulnerable populations at scale; thoughtful career choices to work on only what is relevant; shared beliefs that leadership means responsibility and paying it forward.

In this episode, Sara and Sarah discuss career journeys that include major pivots – from hospitality to healthcare, from legal to operator – and how both feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to make thoughtful choices along the way. Like most women executives, they have had their share of challenges – from being criticized for clothing choices (you can NOT be serious!!! And yet, this is a true story…) to losing your identity when a job ends up not working out. These challenges become defining career moments, leading to finding a new level of confidence and redefining identity around a career with personal purpose.

Sara and Sarah close out our discussion with advice that has served both well. Being the leader that others want to emulate, planning for your own succession, and staying true to being nice and being kind.