Inspiring Women Podcast x WBL with Ulya Khan: Playing It Safe Won’t Lead You to the C-Suite

 In Inspiring Women Podcast

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Ulya Khan at the WBL (Women Business Leaders of the U.S. Health Care Industry Foundation) Annual Summit. Ulya found her tribe when she attended her first Summit in 2016 and has been an active WBL member ever since. She describes WBL as the best-kept secret where her sense of belonging comes from being with women at her level (Ulya has been a C-suite executive at global organizations for 25+ years and is now an investor).

In this episode, Ulya talks about how she reached the C-suite in record time. This meant not playing it safe and taking smart risks. She also shares that when she wanted to make the career switch to healthcare, her advisors originally laughed at her. For Ulya, this simply meant she needed new advisors and then a plan to make her intentions known.  It all paid off.

In addition to career stories, Ulya shares excellent advice for women seeking investments. In short, stop underselling. Captivating the imagination of an investor means telling a bigger story and setting loftier goals. And oh yes, please do be your authentic self, not just a shinier version of someone else.